While I was surfing on net, I found this very nice topic and would like to share it and spreed more. I believe that every didg player need to know something about didgeridoo bon-ton and have in mind others emotions. You probably already have been in that kind of unpleasant situation when some other people disrespect you by putting their mouth in your didg without even asking you.The culture of playing the didgeridoo is not just simple making a drone, every player need to have some good manners in interaciton with other players especially in situation like is playing someones else didg, playing in didge shop and especially playing in native country. I'm always thinking about if my attitude is going to hurt someones fillings and highly appreciate when someone cares about mines.
If you wanna try someones didg it's very important to ask for it and especially important the way you ask for it. Some people fills uncomfortable to reject you, so they will probably say yes even if they think no. Have in mind that some people don't like to share their didges because of their personal reasons, so before asking make an rejectable question. Same is if you want someone to play your didg.
If you are about to buy didg and get in shop, you probably wanna try it, but have in mind that someone put his sweat in making it, so don't disrespect maker neither seller, ask if you can try it, and if you don't like it put it back without saying something stupid about design or sound or anything you don't like about that didg.
If you find yourself in native country with Aboriginal people, it's most important to understand their different cultural experience of didgeridoo in relation to modern didgeridoo culture. Some indigenous people may be offended if you play didg in their present, so before do it, nicely and sensitively ask if they mind. Especially important is that some Aboriginal people see that women can't play didgeridoo at all. This depends on the different tribes, in some tribes they are more tolerant in others less, somewhere they believe that white women can play, in other they can be upset with that. Be very careful with their beliefs and show deep respect to their culture. And don't forget to thanks them for this sacred instrument.
Life gives us back just what we are giving to the others.
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