How To Play Didgeridoo

I would like to say something about How To Play The Didgeridoo, but so much man had already spoken. You can find a lot of books, videos and tutorials on how to play didg, internet is full of it, I also found a kid. But there is only one that gives you the best advises without a single word spoken, his name is Markus Meurer. I have learned to play thanks to his videos and a lot of my friend did too.

Several things you should have in mind is that you'll need a lot of patience, discipline and strong will to repeat every lesson several times until you overcome it. Circular breathing is just peace of cake with this didgeridoo guru.

Don't take me wrong here, I don't underestimate anyone, I am just giving my personal opinion based on my own experience. If you don't find this useful, you can turn your back around and find some other way, don't forget to share it with us.

Thank you Markus.

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